Supervised Machine Learning...
Let's analyze the labeled data and implementation on some of the algorithms of supervised machine
techniques via Python...
Fig. Supervised Machine Learning
Let's study the Python codes in supervised ways .....
So, we are working in Python code along with pandas, seaborn, numpy etc. libraries to determine
on the basis of labeled data with supervised
learning, we'll visualize the data and perform testing between various algorithms in the search of
achieving higher accuracy.
Now let's discuss little bit about Supervised learning, it is a genre of machine learning and artificial
intelligence that uses labeled datasets to train algorithms to
predict outcomes and recognize patterns. Unlike unsupervised learning, supervised learning algorithms
are given labeled training to learn the relationship between the input and the outputs.
So the question arises here, what is Supervised Machine Learning?...
As per knowledge, supervised machine learning is a technique of machine learning in which it works on
labeled data as we are seeing above figure
that we have collection of labeled thing and we have to provide
one input and find out the output from the
given set right.
Atlast our aim is to construct a model which enable to learn from collected data and determine the
predictions on the basis of prior data or unseen data right.
If we talk about labeled data, then it comprise of input attribute said to be independent variables or
predictors and the
correlate with output docket said to be dependent variables or targets respectively. What is Supervised
machine learning used for?...Basically our model's aim is to
encapsulate patterns and correlation amidst the input attributes and the output docket, permits it to
hypothesis and construct meticulously predicted features beside the unseen data respectively.
Let's study some of the algorithms present in supervised machine
learning .....
1. Linear Regression
In general, linear regression is an analytical approach which is generally used to predict the consequences
the basis of prior collected information via interpreted mathematical formula to obtain desired output or
else, we can say,prediction of unseen data searches from the collection of numerous data.
Basically it is a linear correlation between dependent and independent variables as we can see in fig. also.
Formula and its graphical representation::
y = β0
y_i = dependent variable
x_i = independent variable
B\beta = unknown parameters
e_i = error terms.
A scientifically tried-n-true prediction forecasting -
Generally, trafficking and trading kingpin can construct finer verdict via utilizing linear regression
As per knowledge,ay firm poised stack of information, with the aid of linear regression utilizes such
features for the finer
maneuvering toward a desired result, in lieu expecting ahead of times and clairvoyance. Although folks, you
grab bulk of raw info and
recast to alter pragmatic particulars respectively.
Let's be familiar with some of the examples of Linear Regression ::
1. Evaluating trends and sales estimates
2. Analyze pricing elasticity
3.Assess risk in an insurance company
4. Sports analysis
2. support vector machines (SVM)
If we discuss about support vector machine (SVM), it is a kind of supervised learning algorithm, we can say,
and utilized in machine learning to decode
classification and regression stint. It's especially marvellous on puzzle out binary classification
that called for analyzing the facet concerning a database, articulate pairing cluster respectively.
Generally employed for both classification or regression ultimatum. Although, SVM predominantly utilized in
problems, like text classification.For example- handwriting recognitionintrusion detection, face detection,
email classification, gene classification, and in web pages and also used in Cancer detection.
Formula for hyperplane and its graphical representation::
b = 0
So, from the graphical representation, the equation of a hyperplane is w.x+b=0 where w said to be vector
normal to hyperplane and b is an
offset. When the value of w.x+b>0 it said to be a positive point or else negative point. After that
we require (w,b) thats way the margin has a maximum distance.This function utilizedd to predict new values
depends only on the support vectors.
One question arises that who pioneered SVM algorithm?..
So it's Vladimir N. Vapnik
History. The SVM algorithm was discovered by Vladimir N. Vapnik and Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis in 1964
Let's be familiar with some advantages of SVM ::
1. Potent in high-dimensional specimen.
2. SVM's memory is logical as it utilizes a subset of training data during the decision function called
3. Different kernel functions perhaps enumerated for the decision functions and its possible to enumerate
3. Decision Trees
Let's discuss little bit about decision tree. A decision tree algorithm is a machine learning algorithm
which generally utilizes a decision tree to generate predictions on the basis of prior nodes. It
comply with a tree-like structure called model of decisions and its feasible aftermaths. The algorithm
functions near recursively
rupturing the data into subsets on the basis of the most weighty attribute at each node of the tree
Fig. Decision Trees Algorithms Graphical representations
Let's see some of the examples of a Decision Tree Algorithm ::
Forecasting ventures via prior weather info ::
Root node - Entire dataset
Attribute - (sunny, cloudy, rainy).
Subsets - Overcast, Rainy, and Sunny.
Iterative rupturing - Here, split up the sunny share especially as per humidity, like,
Leaf Nodes - Persuit include “swimming,” “hiking,” and “staying inside.”
Somehow very helpful in choosing a sphere, tailing an education, considering a betterhalf, leading
finances, and taking
calculated menace are little bit leading
decisions we generally confronting in esse. Thats why,
momentous to
take note, the decisions we are going to take in existence are inhabitually stubborn sincerely right.
S= Total number of samples
P(yes)= probability of yes
P(no)= probability of no
Entropy: Entropy is a metric to measure the impurity in a given attribute. It specifies randomness in
Entropy can be calculated as:
Advantages of Decision Tree
Now we are seeing how advantageous the decision tree as ::
1. It's easy to understand and interpret, producing ease to non-expertise.
2. Grasp both numerical and categorical data without requiring ample preprocessing.
3. Supplying insights towards facet urgency for decision-making.
4. Grasps null values and outliers without significant footprint.
5. Pertinent to both classification and regression tasks.
Disadvantages of Decision Tree
After that let's see disadvantages ::
1. The latent for overfitting.
2. Reactiveness to little changes in data.
3. Little stereotype, when training data is unillustrative.
4. The latent bias under the nose of divergence data.
4. K-nearest neighbor
Let's discuss about KNN said to be K-nearest neighbor (KNN) is a supervised machine learning algorithm.
Generally KNN is uutilized to classify
points whilst it can accomplish regression too. The K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm classify new data
points to a discrete category rooted in its resemblance including further data points in such category.
So the
algorithms seize the due to pick any useable configuration from the training data to portray the input
the target data. Generally belongs to the category of nonparametric algorithms as doesn’t initiate
distinct premise regarding the mapping function.
Working principle of KNN
1.Let's decide the number k in KNN.
2.After that, need to find out the parallelism based on Euclidean distance.
K = formula
3.Then weigh the Euclidean distance of suspect point to K nearest neighbors
4.Finally, assign the class label to the suspect point
Underfitting and overfitting in KNN
When the
value is very small like K
or K=2, the decision surface which separates different classes will not be smooth. The decision surface
to make predictions with high accuracy in this case and it will lead to overfitting.
On the other hand, when the value of
is too high like
, the decision surface itself vanishes and it results in a situation of classifying every query point as
majority class. This overly simplified assumption causes high bias and underfitting.
Bias-variance trade-off has to be done with hyperparameter tuning of
values in order to get a smooth decision surface. Smooth decision surfaces can guarantee an optimal
which neither overfit nor underfit. Such a decision surface will be less prone to noise.
Advantages of KNN
1. The potency of KNN grow accordingly with the huge training data and so it supports sufficient data
2. KNN utilized for both classification and regression.
3. KNN is non parametric thatswhy speculation not linked with
the basic input. Accordingly, nonlinear data also work well
with it.
4. KNN Implementation is tranquil.
5. Random Forest
Let's discuss about Random Forest, a Random Forest Algorithm is a supervised machine learning algo which
is vastly admired and is
for Classification and Regression problems. As per knowledge, a forest encompass innumerable
trees, and the increased trees increases designed to occur robustness.
Bagging :: While we generating a dissimilar training subset from sample training data with substitution
is said to be
The closing output is organize according to mass voting.
Another name of bagging is bootstrap aggregation, which ensemble learning method generally utilized to
diminish variance enclosed by noisy dataset.
Boosting :: On the other hand, mingling weak learners into strong learners by generating sequential
models for instance the closing
having highest accuracy is said to be Boosting.
Random forests uses its default value . At the top of each pair is the probability that
one of the relevant variables is chosen at any split. The results are based on 50 simulations for each
with a training sample of 300, and a test sample of 500
Let's be familiar with some of the examples of random forest :
1. Finance
2. E-commerce sector
3. Medical-Care
6. Naive-Bayes Classifier
Now, let's see Naive Bayes, it's an algorithm which generally utilized Bayes' theorem to classify objects. Naive Bayes
classifiers suppose strong, or naive, independence between feature of data points.
Let's be familiar with some of the examples of Naive-Bayes Classifier ::
1. Spam Filterig
2. Disease prediction
3. Document classificatio
4. Sentiment analysis
5. Mental state predictions
Advantages of Naive-Bayes
1. Less complex parameters are easier to estimate. As a result, it’s one of the first algorithms learned
within data science and machine learning courses.
2. Scales well: Compared to logistic regression, Naïve Bayes is considered a fast and efficient
classifier that is fairly accurate when the conditional independence assumption holds. It also has low
storage requirements.
3. Can handle high-dimensional data: Use cases, such document classification, can have a high number of
dimensions, which can be difficult for other classifiers to manage.
1. Zero frequency occurs when a categorical variable does not exist within the training set.
2. While the conditional independence assumption overall performs well, the assumption does not always
hold, leading to incorrect classifications.
7. Logistic Regression
Let's understand Logistic regression, in accordance it is a supervised machine learning algorithm which
attains binary classification
via forecasting the probability of an outcome, event, or observation. The model delivers a binary or
dichotomous outcome limited to two possible outcomes: yes/no, 0/1, or true/false.
What is the uses?
Gaussian Distribution: Logistic regression is a linear algorithm (with a non-linear transform on
output). It
does assume a linear relationship between the input variables with the output. Data transforms of your
variables that better expose this linear relationship can result in a more accurate model.
Let's be
familiar with some of the examples of Logistic Regression :
1. Fraud detection
2. Disease prediction
3. Churn prediction
4. Access credit risk
5. Banking sector profits rises rapidly
Let's implement the Python codes in supervised ways .....
# firstly we need to import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Import csv file from our system for analysis
data = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Housing.csv')
result ::
#now let's check the shape of our data
result ::
(545, 13)
#now let's check the required information we needed during analysis
result ::
checking out detailed description of required data
result ::
# now let's visualize the data via plotting, through graph we analyze in a better way
result ::
# now let's checkout the null values so that we can replace with any otherwise it will give incorrect
result ::
#now let's checkout the all null values
result ::
# now we can split the data into test
and train
training_data = data.drop(['price'], axis=1)
result ::
# now we can split the targrt data in
which we have to do optimization
target_data = data['price']
result ::
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# now we can split it into the
training and testing data for further testing optimization
train_data, test_data, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(training_data, target_data,
x_train, x_val, y, y_val = train_test_split(train_data, y_train, test_size=0.1)
DAta Processing
result ::
# now here we distinguish the
numerical and categorical data separately
# OneHot Encoding performed here
num_attributes = ['area', 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'stories', 'parking']
cat_attributes = ['mainroad', 'guestroom', 'basement', 'hotwaterheating', 'airconditioning',
'prefarea', 'furnishingstatus']
# now we import all other required
libraries for implementing further supervised algorithm performance
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
num_pipeline = Pipeline([('std', StandardScaler())])
cat_pipeline = Pipeline([('onehotencoder', OneHotEncoder())])
full_pipeline = ColumnTransformer([('num', num_pipeline,num_attributes), ('cat', cat_pipeline,
result ::
result ::
x_train = full_pipeline.fit_transform(x_train)
result ::
(392, 20)
x_val = full_pipeline.transform(x_val)
test_data = full_pipeline.transform(test_data)
LInear Regression MOdel
lin_reg = LinearRegression(), y)
result ::
val_predictions = lin_reg.predict(x_val)
result ::
array ([ 7161701.38355163, 4245796.38410002, 4060017.98397319,
6992205.68674713, 6048031.03099421, 6537597.7074071 ,
6943417.48381701, 4360500.53208898, 4500583.42804561,
4290132.96203464, 5715307.70241247, 4451108.83734066,
2947519.85144286, 3663781.87197194, 6074912.81245875,
4889085.05994701, 6618553.99455126, 5260882.40968955,
4139766.99635413, 6167454.82373424, 6434063.32717966,
3691697.37977568, 6659270.66905693, 4484284.33766644,
5123409.29319205, 3902141.50092292, 7475755.01711734,
4665420.67198095, 3582544.21087863, 2543505.44219759,
3065435.45200179, 4281985.71464318, 4487524.7073699 ,
6849982.67921765, 6837073.33775704, 5552861.87496595,
2700334.77942049, 5871904.18372563, 5272117.30288319,
4135923.35948052, 2983756.75270146, 4479321.78900046,
6949138.7006256 , 8380901.37606378 ])
def return_rmse(targets, preds):
mse = mean_squared_error(targets, preds)
return np.sqrt(mse)
val_rmse = {}
test_rmse ={}
lin_reg_val_rmse = return_rmse(y_val, val_predictions)
val_rmse['Linear Regression'] = lin_reg_val_rmse
result ::
lin_reg_test_preds =lin_reg.predict(test_data)
lin_reg_test_rmse = return_rmse(y_test, lin_reg_test_preds)
test_rmse['Linear Regression'] = lin_reg_test_rmse
result ::
SVM regression or Support Vector Regression (SVR)
is a machine learning algorithm used for regression
analysis. It is different from traditional linear regression methods as it finds a hyperplane that
fits the data points in a continuous space, instead of fitting a line to the data points.
SVR with a linear kernel is more robust than Linear Regression as it doesn't make as many
svr = SVR(), y)
result ::
svr_val_preds = svr.predict(x_val)
svr_val_rmse = return_rmse(svr_val_preds, y_val)
val_rmse['SVR'] = svr_val_rmse
result ::
svr_test_preds = svr.predict(test_data)
svr_test_rmse = return_rmse(svr_test_preds, y_test)
test_rmse['SVR'] = svr_test_rmse
result ::
tree_reg = DecisionTreeRegressor(), y)
result ::
tree_val_preds = tree_reg.predict(x_val)
tree_val_rmse = return_rmse(tree_val_preds, y_val)
val_rmse['Decision Tree'] = tree_val_rmse
result ::
tree_test_preds = tree_reg.predict(test_data)
tree_test_rmse = return_rmse(tree_test_preds, y_test)
test_rmse['Decision Tree'] = tree_test_rmse
result ::
#Random Forest
forest_reg = RandomForestRegressor(), y)
result ::
forest_val_preds = forest_reg.predict(x_val)
forest_val_rmse = return_rmse(forest_val_preds, y_val)
val_rmse['Random Forest'] = forest_val_rmse
result ::
forest_test_preds = forest_reg.predict(test_data)
forest_test_rmse = return_rmse(forest_test_preds, y_test)
test_rmse['Random Forest'] = forest_test_rmse
result ::
#Comparision between Models
result ::
{'Linear Regression': 1045076.9408102289,
'SVR': 2008427.3480822272,
'Decision Tree': 1726335.9122193402,
'Random Forest': 1051281.1430706223}
result ::
{'Linear Regression': 889693.2600628015,
'SVR': 1753860.5503273602,
'Decision Tree': 1642502.4058323742,
'Random Forest': 968434.6715352592}
sorted(val_rmse.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
result ::
[('Linear Regression', 1045076.9408102289),
('Random Forest', 1051281.1430706223),
('Decision Tree', 1726335.9122193402),
('SVR', 2008427.3480822272)]
sorted(test_rmse.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
result ::
[('Linear Regression', 889693.2600628015),
('Random Forest', 968434.6715352592),
('Decision Tree', 1642502.4058323742),
('SVR', 1753860.5503273602)]
Applications of Supervised Machine Learning
Spam Email Detection
So basically supervised learning can be utilized to analyze emails as spam may admissible. Close to training our
model approaching
a labeled dataset regarding spam and non-spam emails, so this accurately envision in case an arriving email
concluded to be
spam, via utilizing this, allocate displeasing e-mail messages.
Wellness program set-up:
Here Python simulations generally used a blueproint hospital workflows, patient flows, andSpam Email
allocation.By simulating various tasks, healthcare contributer perhaps recognize tailback, enhance
utilization, and maximize patient follow-up. Python simulation visualization tools like Matplotlib and
permit distinct portrayal of data and ease decision-making startegy.
Transit and Plannings:
So if we talk about business aesthetics, in transportation, we simulating logistics
performance, traffic flow or supply
chain networks assist
maximize transportation systems.Generally python simulations empower orgaizations to recognize highest
routes, evaluate the
footprint of framework transpose, and improve stock allocation. Real-time visualization of simulations
using libraries like Bokeh or Plotly permits collaborator construct data-driven decisions on the dot.
Some other applications and advantages are written below ::
Quantitative structure–activity relationship
Database marketing
Handwriting recognition
Information retrieval
Learning to rank
Information extraction
Object recognition in computer vision
Optical character recognition
Pattern recognition
Speech recognition
Supervised learning is a special case of downward causation in biological systems
Landform classification using satellite imagery
Spend classification in procurement processes
Limitations of Supervised Learning
Let's see some of the limititions or disadvantages of supervised learning ::
1. Unable to grasp all complex tasks
2. Computation time is gigantic
3. Shortfall of training data
4. Inferior standard of data
5. Data overfitting
6. Data underfitting
7. Lower plasticity and slight performance in non-stop learning scenarios.
1. C.E. Brodely and M.A. Friedl (1999).
Identifying and Eliminating Mislabeled Training Instances, Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Research 11, 131-167. (
2. Wikipedia
3. IBM social sites